About Us

The Cress Family History Research Group

A research group is a group of researchers who specialize on the same subject and work together on the issue or topic. The success of the research group depends on several factors like, clear goals, research emphasis, group climate, participative governance, decentralized organization, communication, resources, recruitment, selection and leadership.

As a family, we have a shared interest in our own history. This research group is at this time an informal collective of my own family members who have worked with me in discovering our family history as well as those distant family members who have made this all possible.

I suppose at this point, I am the leader of this more or less informal group. My name is Rev. Nathaniel J. Cress. I prefer to be called Nate. I highly encourage all who desire to share in our discoveries to join me. You can submit your information, additions, corrections, suggestions, etc. to our contact form to begin the process.


Research Emphasis

Our research emphasis is helping each other build a complete history and family tree to better understand how the Cress Family has grown, impacted the world, and may inspire those future generations to do the same.

Group Climate

We are a family, and my Cress family has always been there for me. I expect in every way that we, The Cress Family, will support each other in the sharing of family history.

Participative Governance

We are an informal group of family members who all want the same things. I hope more family members take up interest over the years in participating.

Decentralized Organization

There are so many genealogical webapps and services. While this site aims at collecting and plainly displaying our family history, we are not the only source of information or place to keep and organize this information. We are a team. We are family!


Currently the best way for us to communicate is through the contact form on this site. After a relation is established, other channels of communication will be available as well. Please reach out to me!

NOTE: We have chosen at this time to use Google Sites to publish these pages because it is free, simple, and easy to work with. We may in the future move to another web host as this website grows.


We desire to share resources when possible. I have made some books available as they were made available to me and not prohibited by copyright.


This may the area I need the most help. If you are interested in helping us, please reach out!


My desire is to receive all who want to join in this effort, so long as they are not divisive or destructive to our work as regards family history research.


Rev. Nathaniel J. Cress serves as our Research Group Director.

Rev. Nathaniel J. Cress

Research Group Director

Jennifer Cress


Contributors: Rev. Daniel Cress, Danny-Boy Cress, Nathan L. Cress, Sandra Cress, Shawn Cress, Kari Dill, Birdie McNutt, and Doris Percell as well as the many contributors to the books and resources we have access to.

Disclaimer: While we recognize that the Church of Latter-Day Saints (The Mormons) are huge contributors and supporters of genealogical research, this website and The Cress Family History Research Group are in no way whatsoever affiliated with the Mormons. Our research group exists primarily for the purpose of organizing and sharing the history of our family rather than the promotion of any religious organization. With that said, our director is an ordained minister with the Assemblies of God USA. Many in our family are Christians and hold to Christian values. Many in our family value the religious history intertwined with our family history. In fact, it would be difficult to share the history of our family without acknowledging the influence of religion throughout the ages.