Neunhof Castle

Neunhof Castle (AKA Schloss Neunhof) is a defensive manor house on the outskirts of Nuremberg and also what was known as a pond house. These pond houses were distinguished by having a moat dug around them as a defensive barrier. It is one of the only pond houses which has survived the many wars of central Europe. Our ancestor Heinrich I Kress of Neunhof settled at a manor in the vicinity of Nuremberg called Neuenhof in or before 1334. Significant is the fact that documents show that Heinrich had as his domicile the manor of Neuenhof and also that he was address as "Herr" (in English meaning "Lord"), a title, which at that time was conferred only upon persons of knightly birth. (Note: He is called "Heinrich I Kress of Neunhof" in Kress Family History on page 94 rather than "of Neuenhof.")

We can't be sure whether this was the same place or another from the Neunhof we know today. Maybe another building was built on the same property. It is difficult to say. The current building was erected by Hanns Kress in 1484 and was in a different part of the family line than those who descend from Johann Nicholaus Heinrich Kress here in America. However, it is still part of the Kress family heritage and a beautiful place preserved from that time to now.

A website for this property exists at this time. It is in German, but your browser should be able to translate the pages. The website is as follows: Neunhof Castle Foundation near Nuremberg (