The Krzesein

Duke Hostiwit rewarded Krzes with land and permission to build a manor on it. They named the place Krzesein which seems to be the origin of the Kress family name and the first actual Kressenstein (with a variant spelling).

It’s in the neighborhood of Leitmeritz, about an hour and a half walk from Libochowitz and is on the left bank of the Eger River. In 1930, it was a village of 82 houses with about 500 inhabitants of Czech nationality. It is a fact that until 1226 AD the place was the residence of a noble family named after it. This village was bought by the monastery of Doxan in 1226 AD.

(In 2024 Leitmeritz or Litomerice has a population of 23,000 inhabitants. Notice where the Elbe River and Eger or Oher River meet. This was apparently the spot of the battle between Hostiwit and Sukoslaw.)

Eventually the Kress Family moved from Krzesein to the Voigtland mountain slopes. However, their lives were both short and harsh with little entertainment. When Emperor Henry, in 1190, announced a tournament in Nuremberg, the Kress men wanted to attend. A tourney was an event not to be missed. It provided entertainment and an opportunity for them to prove their skill and valor. With nine good horses, they rode to Nuremberg and joined the competition.

There were two types of events: the joust during which two knights with blunt lances charged at each other and the melee, a small battle between team. During both events, helmets fell off, horses refused to charge or went out of control, lances, teeth, and bones broke. It was to be expected. Tourneys prepared men for battle.

At the end of the tourney, the Emperor announced a campaign against Donauewith, Swabia. The Kress men went with him and, during the war, impressed him with their bravery.

At the end of the war, they returned to Voigtland. However, during their absence, warring troops had devastated their land. Therefore, they and their servants moved south to Nuremberg where they were good citizens.

Heroldus Kress, born about 1240, was their descendant.

Heroldus is considered the ancestor of all the Kress and Cress family.